Bird Net Zipper 12'' Black BNZ-12B

  • Allows access behind netted-off areas
  • Available in multiple sizes to match your application
Zippers make it easy to gain access behind bird netting installations. Zippers are installed over areas that will need to be opened such as under lighting fixtures or A.C. units. The Zippers come in various sizes and are attached directly to the netting. When someone needs access behind netting, you simply un-zip the area.
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Manufacturer: Bird B Gone
Target Pests: Birds, Canada Goose, Downy Woodpecker, European Starling, Flickers, Gulls, House Sparrow, Red-headed Woodpecker, Rock Pigeon, Woodpeckers, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Sold As: Each
ID: 783113
Target Sites: Animal and Animal Care Facilities, Aquatic Sites, Commercial Structures (Indoors), Commericial Exteriors and Landscapes, Food Manufacturing & Processing Plants, Food Serving Establishments, Forest and Woodland Management Areas

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