Ovocontrol P 13.6KG


Dosage: OvoControl P is applied with an automatic feeder at a rate of 1lb/80 pigeons per day.

OvoControl is a ready-to-use bait that interferes with egg fertilization, a contraceptive for birds. Over time, OvoControl allows the pigeon population to decline through natural attrition. This effective and humane technology is useful for managing pigeon flocks in large physical plants and geography. Recommended Use: OvoControl has been shown to have a wide margin of safety and efficacy. Flat rooftops are the ideal area to bait pigeons. No special license is required to purchase or apply the product. Efficacy: Pigeons breed rapidly – just five mating pairs can produce up to 400 pigeons in only two years. Fortunately, the life-span of urban pigeons is short, limited to just 2-3 years. Since no new birds are hatching, the population declines naturally and continuously. Field studies show a reduction of approximately 50%, annually and 90 to 95% over several seasons of OvoControl use.
Product Label and Safety Data Sheet
SDS Label
All product label and Safety Data Sheet (SDS) information is provided by LabelSDS.com.
More Information
Manufacturer: Innolytics
Sold As: Bag
ID: 797885

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