Latin Name: Lotus Purshianus
 Common Name: Spanish Clover
 Other Names: N/A
Pest Details

Native to the western United States, and widely distributed from southern Canada south into Mexico in the west.


An annual weed that becomes a problem in most kinds of crops, as well on non-cultivated areas such as waste lots, roadsides, ditch banks. Propagation is from seeds that germinate in early spring.

Mature plants may be somewhat erect, but usually have a low, spreading, mat-like growth. They are extensively branched, with stems reaching well over 2 feet in length and sometimes over 2 feet in height. Stems and leaves are generally covered with soft, grayish hairs, but sometimes may be hairless. Leaves are divided into 3 leaflets that are oblong, and the middle leaflet is on a stalk. Flowers are white to very light pink, small, and grow singly on short stalks arising from the leaf axils. Seed pods are up to 1 inch long and bend sharply downward.

Characteristicts Important to Control:

An annual weed that grows very well in dry, sandy soils.