Latin Name: Psyllopsis decrepans
 Common Name: Cottony ash psyllid
 Latin Family Name: Psyllidae
 Other Names: Cottony psyllid
Pest Details

Females may deposit up to hundreds of eggs on the leaf surface, usually in rows or clusters. Nymphs pass through 5 instars prior to the adult stage, and are mobile throughout this period, feeding on the sap in the leaves. In warmer climates there may be up to 5 generations per year. Nymphs commonly feed on the lower surface of the leaf, and combined with their wax extrusions can make control difficult with chemical sprays.

Named for the large cottony white mass of wax that protrudes from the rear end of the nymph stages. The adult strongly resembles a winged aphid, with fully developed wings that extend past the end of the abdomen. However, like other psyllids it lacks the two spiracles that extend from the top rear of the abdomen on aphids. Color is a lime green.

Characteristicts Important to Control:

Chemical sprays can be effective if they are able to contact the insects, concentrating on the lower surface of the leaves. A systemic such as imidacloprid appears to be effective, moving the active ingredient into the leaf tissue so it is ingested during insect feeding. Neem oil and other tree oils also have given positive results against some psyllid infestations.