• Latin Name: Portulaca Amilis
  • Latin Family Name: Portulacaceae
  • Common Name: Broadleaf Pink Purslane
  • Other Names: Paraguayan purslane

Native to South America, and found in the United States from North Carolina to all of Florida.

An summer annual plant that grows in a prostrate, spreading habit, potentially forming thick mats over the soil. Plants favor open, disturbed habitats and flowering occurs from midsummer into early fall.

Mature plants form thick mats on the soil. Stems and leaves are very thick and fleshy, with the leaves only about ½ inch long, but wide and flat, and crowded along the stems. Lighter-colored hairs can be found in the axils of the leaves. Flowers occur at the ends of the stems, and they are about ½ inch in diameter and have 5 bright pink to purple petals.

Characteristics Important to Control:
Generally not a particularly invasive weed, but hand removal is effective where the plants are not wanted.